Friday, September 29, 2023

Fun Friday

Big Idea: Building Community through playing games

After today I should be able to: 


  1. Scattergories
  1. None.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Study Groups

Big Idea: Work in groups to understand information.

After today I should be able to: 


  1. You will create tutorial groups today based on assignments you need to complete.
  2. Make sure you turn in a picture of what you complete in class today.

  1. None.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Organization Day 5

Big Idea: How can I use a planner to manage my short- and long-term assignments, responsibilities, and goals? 

After today I should be able to: develop (Costa’s Level 2) proficient, individualized routines related to using time-management tools and planning strategies to enhance academic performance and personal goal-setting. 


  1. Today we will take notes on procrastination. EQ: How can I get better at avoiding procrastination?
    1. Video 1
    2. Video 2
  2. Next, you should work on:
    1. Preparing your binder for Friday's binder check.
    2. Study for the math test next period.
  3. Please fill out this Google Form to organize study groups for tomorrow.
  1. None

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Tutorial Day Tuesday

Big Idea: Work in groups to understand information.

After today I should be able to: 


  1. You will be in the same groups as our last tutorial session. Decide who will go first.  Get through as many tutorials as you can.
  2. You will turn in your TRF at the end of the period.
  3. Beating Procrastination notes
    1. Video 1n (watch second)
    2. Video 2

  1. None.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Organization Unit Day 4

Big Idea: How can I use a planner to manage my short- and long-term assignments, responsibilities, and goals? 

After today I should be able to: develop (Costa’s Level 2) proficient, individualized routines related to using time-management tools and planning strategies to enhance academic performance and personal goal-setting. 


  1. TRF and interact with your notes for next week's full binder check.
  2. Google Classroom discussion
    1. Respond to the quote about Time with strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree. Write a few sentences that explains why.
  3. How to use a planner well. We will fill in our planner for this week.
  4. Write a SMART goal for using your planner.
  5. Fill in Post-Unit Prompts
  6. Create a one-pager with your best organization tips.
    1. Color
    2. Tips from all areas that we filled in for our Google Slides.
    3. Pictures and symbols
    4. An analogy: Organization is like...
    5. Fill up the entire page
  1. None

Friday, September 22, 2023

Fun Friday

Big Idea: Building Community through playing games

After today I should be able to: 


  1. Wii Sports
  1. None.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Tutorial Day

Big Idea: Work in groups to understand information.

After today I should be able to: 


  1. You will be in the same groups as our last tutorial session. Decide who will go first.  Get through as many tutorials as you can.
  2. You will turn in your TRF at the end of the period.

  1. None.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Organization Unit Day 3

Big Idea: How can I use a planner to manage my short- and long-term assignments, responsibilities, and goals? 

After today I should be able to: develop (Costa’s Level 2) proficient, individualized routines related to using time-management tools and planning strategies to enhance academic performance and personal goal-setting. 


  1. AVID notes: How to Focus
    1. How do I stay focused while getting work done?
  2. TRF and interact with your notes for next week's full binder check.
  3. Google Classroom discussion
    1. Respond to the quote about Time with strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree.
  4. Finding a study partner
    1. How are you doing the class right now?
    2. What are you good at? What do you struggle with?
    3. Can you and this person help each other out?
  5. How to use a planner well
  6. Write a SMART goal for using your planner
  1. None

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Tutorial Day

Big Idea: Work in groups to understand information.

After today I should be able to: 


  1. You will be in the same groups as our last tutorial session. Decide who will go first.  Get through as many tutorials as you can.
  2. You will turn in your TRF at the end of the period.

  1. None.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Organization Unit Day 2

Big Idea: Why is it necessary to manage my time, materials, and thoughts in order to be academically successful? 

After today I should be able to: explain (Costa’s Level 2) why organization is a key component to success and identify (Costa’s Level 1) strategies and resources needed so that I can successfully manage my time, materials, and thoughts.  


  1. AVID notes: How to Focus
    1. How do I stay focused while getting work done?
  2. Carousel Brainstorm
  1. None

Friday, September 15, 2023

Fun Friday

Big Idea: Building Community through playing games

After today I should be able to: play a card drafting game. 


  1. YouTube Karaoke
  2. With the time left, we will play Codenames.
  1. None.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Tutorial Thursday

Big Idea: Work in groups to understand information.

After today I should be able to: 


  1. You will be in the same groups as our last tutorial session. Decide who will go first.  Get through as many tutorials as you can.
  2. You will turn in your TRF at the end of the period.

  1. None.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Organization Unit Day 1

Big Idea: Why is it necessary to manage my time, materials, and thoughts in order to be academically successful? 

After today I should be able to: explain (Costa’s Level 2) why organization is a key component to success and identify (Costa’s Level 1) strategies and resources needed so that I can successfully manage my time, materials, and thoughts.  


  1. Pre-unit responses
  2. Pair-share
  3. Carousel Brainstorm
  1. None

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Tutorial Tuesday

Big Idea: Work in groups to understand information.

After today I should be able to: 


  1. You will be in the same groups as our last tutorial session. Decide who will go first.  Get through as many tutorials as you can.
  2. You will turn in your TRF at the end of the period.

  1. None.

Monday, September 11, 2023

FNT Summarize and Reflect

Big Idea: How can I craft a summary that captures the meaning and importance of content and reflects on how learning helps to meet the note-taking objective? 

After today I should be able to: summarize (Costa’s Level 2) notes by pulling together the most important information and reflect on personal connections so that I can demonstrate (Costa’s Level 2) how the learning helps to meet the note-taking objective.   


  1. How to Summarize and Reflect
    1. Write a summary and reflection for a set of notes you took that doesn't have a summary yet.
  2. Taking different types of notes.
  3. Finish and turn in KWLA graphic organizer.
  4. Finish and turn in Pre and Post unit prompts
  5. TRF for tomorrow.

  1. None

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

FNT Connecting and Questioning

Big Idea: How can I analyze my notes and use inquiry to add my own thinking to make connections and deepen content and background knowledge?

After today I should be able to: ask higher level questions about notes, identify (Costa’s Level 1) gaps and points of confusion, and add original thinking to my notes by connecting my learning to what I already know to create (Costa’s Level 3) a greater understanding.  


  1. Add to KWLA graphic organizer using the self-assessment document.
  2. Add to notes by making connections. Use slides 34 and 35.
  3. Quizlet Live about Costa's Levels of Thinking.
  4. Add questions to your notes from three different levels.
  5. TRF for Thursday.

  1. None

Friday, September 1, 2023

Fun Friday

Big Idea: Building Community through playing games

After today I should be able to: play a card drafting game. 


  1. Play Sushi Go, a card-drafting game.
    1. Sushi Go is a card-drafting game—meaning players are working to gather sets of cards worth different point totals. Instead of everyone drawing from one communal deck, each player starts with a hand of cards and picks one card to add to their set.

  1. None.