Monday, September 11, 2023

FNT Summarize and Reflect

Big Idea: How can I craft a summary that captures the meaning and importance of content and reflects on how learning helps to meet the note-taking objective? 

After today I should be able to: summarize (Costa’s Level 2) notes by pulling together the most important information and reflect on personal connections so that I can demonstrate (Costa’s Level 2) how the learning helps to meet the note-taking objective.   


  1. How to Summarize and Reflect
    1. Write a summary and reflection for a set of notes you took that doesn't have a summary yet.
  2. Taking different types of notes.
  3. Finish and turn in KWLA graphic organizer.
  4. Finish and turn in Pre and Post unit prompts
  5. TRF for tomorrow.

  1. None

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