Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Organization Unit Day 3

Big Idea: How can I use a planner to manage my short- and long-term assignments, responsibilities, and goals? 

After today I should be able to: develop (Costa’s Level 2) proficient, individualized routines related to using time-management tools and planning strategies to enhance academic performance and personal goal-setting. 


  1. AVID notes: How to Focus
    1. How do I stay focused while getting work done?
  2. TRF and interact with your notes for next week's full binder check.
  3. Google Classroom discussion
    1. Respond to the quote about Time with strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree.
  4. Finding a study partner
    1. How are you doing the class right now?
    2. What are you good at? What do you struggle with?
    3. Can you and this person help each other out?
  5. How to use a planner well
  6. Write a SMART goal for using your planner
  1. None

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