Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Film Festivals Example

Big Idea: Identify what makes a good film

After today I should be able to: 


  1. You will be in groups of three and will plan our chill Fridays.
    1. Must involve everyone.
    2. Must last the whole period.
    3. Must involve people doing something together.
    4. The goal is building positive relationships and positive vibes.
    5. It can't be something we have done in the last month.
    6. If it is something we have already done, you have to put your own spin on it.
    7. You must let me know what your group is planning to do by Wednesday.
  2. We are going to enter the Beaumont USD Film Festival. Today we will look at the different categories and winning films from each category. Please fill out the graphic organizer in Google Classroom for the films you watch.
  1. None

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