Wednesday, November 8, 2023

GPA goals

Big Idea: How can having a growth mindset help me achieve my goals? 

After today I should be able to: identify (Costa’s Level 1) the importance of setting short- and long-term goals in relation to my career aspirations and evaluate (Costa’s Level 2) my own skills and interests. 


  1. Create TRF for tutorials tomorrow.
  2. Watch talk about believing you can get better.
  3. You will be assigned a group to create a presentation for a GPA goal.
    1. Slide 1: SMARTER goal. What can make this goal hard to achieve?
    2. Slide 2: Action steps for you college classes. Be specific for each class.
    3. Slide 3: Action steps for your high school classes. Be specific for each class.
    4. Secret ingredient: Include a tip from one of the videos we have watched in the past three weeks.
  4. Present Iron Chef slides.
  1. None

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