Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Brands and Companies

Big Idea: How can saving and investing help me meet my short-term and long-term goals?

After today I should be able to: Explain the difference between a brand and a company. Identify the companies behind different brands. Choose companies that your group would like to invest in.


  1. Intro to Companies
  2. Intro to Stocks
  3. Take notes on the videos above. I will be checking these notes for a grade.
  4. Complete the Jim's Birthday Present activity with your Stock Market team. You will identify 21 different companies in this activity.
  5. Complete the companies and stocks slide deck activity on Google Classroom.
  1. None

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Stock Market Game intro

Big Idea: How can I work with my peers to be successful?

After today I should be able to: 


  1. Separate into teams.
  2. Create a team name and choose a team captain.
  3. Create two short term goals for investing (5-10 year goals)
  4. Create two long term goals for investing (20-25 year goals)
  5. Create a poster
    1.  Stock Market themed
    2. Identifies what investing is
    3. What is the difference between saving and investing?
    4. Includes your goals and identifies what needs saving and what needs investing
    5. Team name
  1. None

Monday, April 15, 2024

Study Groups 4/15

Big Idea: How can I work with my peers to be successful?

After today I should be able to: 


  1. ENCORE: make sure you read for the first ten minutes of class.
  2. Choose a task that is due this week or in the near future.
  3. Work with a group or by yourself on this task.
  4. Turn in a screen shot of what you worked on.
  1. None